Category Archives: Religious and philosophical

blog of religious and philosophical subjects

Capitalism and Christianity

By Michael Skywood Clifford. A reporter once asked Mahatma Gandhi what he thought of civilisation in the west. “I think it would be a good idea,” he said. [..]

Political, Religious and philosophical

Misleading reporting

By Michael Skywood Clifford. Tonight I have had a serious discussion about the accusation that the Bishop of Ireland was complicit in covering up the problem they had [..]

Religious and philosophical

On ambition

By Michael Skywood Clifford. I suggest obsessive ambition comes from neurosis. It is passed on by parent to its children and grandchildren. The most ambitious people can be [..]

Modern life, Religious and philosophical

Capitalism – the contemporary religion

By Michael Skywood Clifford. Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and world views that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Capitalism has become a massive [..]

Political, Religious and philosophical